Tag Archives: Washington DC
Washington, DC Phis Celebrate 2015 Founders Day & Silver Legionnaires
The Washington, DC Alumni Club celebrated Founders Day on March 26, 2015 with a gathering of over 50 area Phi Delts and guests at P.J. Clarke’s in downtown Washington.
Although Phi Delta Theta was founded on December 26, 1848, we officially celebrate Founders Day each year on March 15th in honor of Phi Delt Founding Father Robert Morrison’s birthday. This year’s event was co-organized and sponsored by Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters and the fraternity’s Washington, DC Area Alumni Club.
In addition to the networking reception, there was a brief presentation on the State of the Fraternity and a discussion of recent events in the fraternity world, as well as a Silver Legion ceremony for five of our brothers celebrating 25 years of membership. Over 30 Phi Delt chapters were represented among the undergraduates and alumni in attendance, reflecting the diverse and transient nature of the area’s population.
A few representatives from General Headquarters were also on hand for the event including Andrew Cole, Hanover Phi Delta Theta Foundation’s Director of Development, expansion consultant Andrew Carlson, Syracuse and Melanie Clayton, Director of Insurance and Safety. We appreciate all their efforts to coordinate and support this year’s event.
Thanks to all for attending and a special congratulations to the 2015 members of Phi Delta Theta’s Silver Legion.

2015 Silver Legionnaire recipients (L-R):
Robert Klause, Widener, Joe Martini, San Jose State,
James Rather, Virginia Tech, Mark Snyder, San Jose State,
Charles Fowler, Michigan
(Not pictured: William Turanchick, Akron)
Had a great time tonight with my @phideltdc brothers congrats to the 5 Silver Legions! #ProudtobeaPhi @phidelt pic.twitter.com/X7sWfKLUG4
— Seth A. (@sethguidry) March 27, 2015
*Special thanks to Bob Sutton, MIT ’73 for contributing to this post.
Phi Delta Theta Alumni Reception & 2015 Founders Day
Phi Delta Theta is coming to Washington, DC during its fourth “Phi Delt Weekend” of 2015. In addition to educational programing for undergraduates and advisers, Phi Delta Theta will be hosting an alumni reception for Phis and guests in the area on Thursday, March 26 at P.J. Clarke’s (Sidecar).
All area Phis are invited to attend a business casual reception to reconnect with local Phi Delts and friends, facilitate brotherhood in the region and to inform our alumni about the Fraternity today. Also, in partnership with the Washington, DC Area Alumni Club, we will be celebrating Founders Day including Gold and Silver Legionnaire Ceremonies commemorating Phis with 50 years and 25 years of membership respectively.
WHERE: P.J. Clarke’s (Sidecar), 1600 K Street NW, Washington, DC
WHO: All area Phis and guests
WHEN: Thursday, March 26, 2015 – 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Please RSVP via Eventbrite by Sunday, March 22. Registration is free.
The Fraternity will be hosting hors d’oeuvres in the Sidecar room (cash bar available).
If you have questions about the event, please e-mail Andrew Cole at the Phi Delta Theta Foundation.
We hope to see you!
Learn more about “2015 Phi Delt Weekends.”
Phi Delt DC Celebrates Founders Day 2014
On Friday, March 14, 2014, several members of Phi Delta Theta and guests gathered at Gordon Biersch in Washington, DC to celebrate Founders Day.
Although the fraternity was officially founded on December 26, 1848 on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, we celebrate Founders Day on March 15th each year in honor of Founding Father Robert Morrison’s birthday.
A variety of chapters were represented including Akron, Gettysburg, Virginia Tech, MIT, Lawrence, Maryland, Whitman, Missouri State, Shippensburg, Clemson, OIT, Cincinnati and Widener among others. Thanks to all those who attended.
Happy Birthday, Brother Morrison!
More events and opportunities to get involved are coming soon. Stay tuned!
Brother Byrne Elected to Congress
Congratulations to Brother Bradley Byrne, Duke ’75, who won a special election Tuesday night to represent the 1st District of Alabama in the U.S. House.
Byrne (R) fills the seat previously held by former Congressman Jo Bonner who left Congress earlier this year for a position in the University of Alabama system.
This brings the total number of Phi Delts currently serving in the U.S. Congress to three including Sen. James Risch from Idaho and Rep. Luke Messer from Indiana.
The Byrne family and campaign appreciate your dedication and support towards victory.Thank you! #AL01 pic.twitter.com/zcdIojByY7
— Bradley Byrne (@BradleyByrne) December 18, 2013
Republican Bradley Byrne wins Alabama special election (Washington Post, 12/17/13)
Phi Delta Theta Foundation Meets in Washington, DC
On October 25-27, 2013, Phi Delta Theta Foundation trustees and general headquarters staff members gathered for a foundation board meeting in Washington, DC.

Photo credit: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
2012 General Convention Recap
The 79th Biennial General Convention of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity took place from July 5-8, 2012 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. It was a packed few days for hundreds of Phis, their families and guests.

Current and former Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters staff members at the 79th Biennial General Convention in Washington, DC on July 7, 2012.
Of course, there was also fraternity business to attend to such as voting on important legislation, debating issues, and the election of the General Council for the 2012-14 biennium. Congratulations to our new president Chris Lapple, and fellow General Council members Rich Fabritius, Jeff Davis, Chris Brussalis and Moe Stephens!
Below is the slideshow that was shown during the Grand Banquet on Saturday night which is a perfect recap of the week’s activities. Thanks to Sean Wagner, Steve Good and all of the Phi Delta Theta GHQ staff, Washington, DC alumni club representatives and everyone who contributed to ensure a terrific event. Safe travels back home!
2012 Convention Schedule
The 79th Biennial Convention of Phi Delta Theta will be held on July 5-8, 2012 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202, (703) 920-3230 / 1-800-228-9290.
Don’t forget to register for the 2012 Convention!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
1:00 PM | General Council Meeting |
5:30 PM | Alumni Reception at Mount Vernon Inn (Volunteers and Families – Invitation Only) |
Thursday, July 5, 2012
8:00 AM | Depart for Wreath Laying Arlington National Cemetery |
9:00 AM | Registration Begins |
10:30 AM | General Officers Conference |
12:00 PM | General Officers Luncheon |
12:00 PM | Past Presidents of General Council Luncheon |
1:30 PM | Commission/Committee Meetings |
3:00 PM | Educational Programming |
4:00 PM | Committee Meetings |
5:00 PM | Dinner on Your Own |
7:30 PM | Opening General Session (Open to All – Coat & Tie Required) |
9:30 PM | Province Meetings |
Friday, July 6, 2012
6:30 AM | Iron Phi 5k |
8:30 AM | Focus Group Discussions |
9:00 AM | General Session (Phis Only) (Coat & Tie Required) |
9:00 AM | Colony Program |
12:00 PM | Building on the Bond Luncheon |
2:30 PM | Meet the Candidates |
5:00 PM | Dinner on Your Own |
5:30 PM | Buses depart for Phi Delt Night at the Ballpark Washington Nationals Game |
7:05 PM | Opening Pitch – Phi Delt Night at the Ballpark Washington Nationals Game |
Saturday, July 7, 2012
8:00 AM | Chapter Advisory Board/Alumni Club Delegates Breakfast with the General Council |
9:00 AM | General Session (Phis Only) (Coat & Tie Required) |
9:00 AM | Colony Program |
12:00 PM | Awards Luncheon |
2:30 PM | General Session (Phis Only) (Coat & Tie Required) |
2:30 PM | Colony Program |
7:30 PM | Children’s Banquet |
7:30 PM | Grand Banquet (Coat & Tie Required) |
Sunday, July 8, 2012
8 AM | Departures from Washington, DC |
Learn more about Phi Delta Theta’s General Convention and register here. See you in DC!
79th Biennial Convention – July 5-8, 2012 – Washington, DC
Phi Delta Theta’s Biennial Convention offers a unique opportunity for Phis of all ages from many parts of the world to meet in the true spirit of The Bond. Registrations are being received every day for this summer’s Convention at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.
Learn more about Phi Delta Theta’s General Convention and register here. See you in DC!
Challenge Coin Campaign for the 79th Biennial General Convention
The Washington DC Alumni Club is proud to host Phi Delta Theta’s 79th Biennial General Convention at the Crystal Gateway Marriot. As a local Phi we certainly hope that you will join us for the this tremendous event!
Whether you’re traveling from Bethesda, Baltimore, Birmingham, or Bismark we want all Phis to have a memorable experience and wanted to provide a “Convention Keepsake” to remember this event.
This is why the alumni club has purchased Challenge Coins to be given to all attendees of the Grand Banquet. Members of the U.S. military have a long-standing tradition of carrying a special coin symbolizing unit identity and esprit de corps. With bonds forged in battle thousands of miles from home, these custom coins minted for military units – each bearing their own revered symbols and mottos – capture in metal the essence of their affiliation and their fierce pride.
Considering that we will be “a stone’s throw” from the Pentagon, we decided that this would be a great way to remember the event and help serve as of remembrance that as Phi Delts, we also have a charge to keep. May we always strive to uphold the principles of Phi Delta Theta in our daily lives as outlined by the Immortal Six.
We are asking area alumni to help underwrite the the expense of these coins by making a contribution of any amount to our WePay page. Regardless of whether you plan on attending Convention or not, if you make a contribution of at least $25, you will receive this special challenge coin. Also, if you make a contribution of $100, you will receive two free tickets to the Washington Nationals game during Convention when Ryan Zimmerman will receive Phi Delta Theta’s Gehrig Award. Tickets in the Fraternity’s block are sold out, but if you give at least $100, we will ensure that you have tickets.
Thanks for your consideration to help make this a memorable cause for Phis in DC! To donate, click here.
General Headquarters
2 South Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056-1801
FAX: 513-523-9200
Ryan Zimmerman honored for his charitable work with the Lou Gehrig Memorial Award
By James Wagner, The Washington Post
Posted at 02:45 PM ET, 06/25/2012

Ryan Zimmerman before the 3rd Annual “A Night at the Park” at the Nationals Park on June 14. (Ilya S. Savenok – GETTY IMAGES FOR ZIMS FOUNDATION)
Zimmerman was honored for his charitable work, notably his ziMS Foundation, which he founded to raise money for a cure for multiple sclerosis, the disease his mother Cheryl suffers from. Zimmerman will be presented with the award before the Nationals game in Colorado on Friday. (Note: The award will be presented during Phi Delt Night at Nationals Ballpark on the evening of Friday, July 6th.)
Soon after being drafted in 2005, Zimmerman started his foundation, and created a golf tournament and a yearly event at Nationals Park. Zimmerman’s contract stipulated that he be given full use of the stadium one day a year for an event, Night at the Park, that raises money for his charity. In 2011, the event raised more than $300,000.
The award is given by the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity at Columbia University, Gehrig’s college fraternity. Zimmerman is the first National or Expo to be honored. Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter was honored last year, and Angels first baseman Albert Pujols and Phillies center fielder Shane Victorino the previous two years.
Ryan Zimmerman of the Washington Nationals to Receive Lou Gehrig Memorial Award at Washington, DC Convention (Phi Delta Theta, 5/22/12)
Lou Gehrig Memorial Award at the Baseball Hall of Fame (Phi Delta Theta)