Tag Archives: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Washington, DC Phis Celebrate 2015 Founders Day & Silver Legionnaires
The Washington, DC Alumni Club celebrated Founders Day on March 26, 2015 with a gathering of over 50 area Phi Delts and guests at P.J. Clarke’s in downtown Washington.
Although Phi Delta Theta was founded on December 26, 1848, we officially celebrate Founders Day each year on March 15th in honor of Phi Delt Founding Father Robert Morrison’s birthday. This year’s event was co-organized and sponsored by Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters and the fraternity’s Washington, DC Area Alumni Club.
In addition to the networking reception, there was a brief presentation on the State of the Fraternity and a discussion of recent events in the fraternity world, as well as a Silver Legion ceremony for five of our brothers celebrating 25 years of membership. Over 30 Phi Delt chapters were represented among the undergraduates and alumni in attendance, reflecting the diverse and transient nature of the area’s population.
A few representatives from General Headquarters were also on hand for the event including Andrew Cole, Hanover Phi Delta Theta Foundation’s Director of Development, expansion consultant Andrew Carlson, Syracuse and Melanie Clayton, Director of Insurance and Safety. We appreciate all their efforts to coordinate and support this year’s event.
Thanks to all for attending and a special congratulations to the 2015 members of Phi Delta Theta’s Silver Legion.

2015 Silver Legionnaire recipients (L-R):
Robert Klause, Widener, Joe Martini, San Jose State,
James Rather, Virginia Tech, Mark Snyder, San Jose State,
Charles Fowler, Michigan
(Not pictured: William Turanchick, Akron)
Had a great time tonight with my @phideltdc brothers congrats to the 5 Silver Legions! #ProudtobeaPhi @phidelt pic.twitter.com/X7sWfKLUG4
— Seth A. (@sethguidry) March 27, 2015
*Special thanks to Bob Sutton, MIT ’73 for contributing to this post.
Phi Delta Theta Alumni Reception & 2015 Founders Day
Phi Delta Theta is coming to Washington, DC during its fourth “Phi Delt Weekend” of 2015. In addition to educational programing for undergraduates and advisers, Phi Delta Theta will be hosting an alumni reception for Phis and guests in the area on Thursday, March 26 at P.J. Clarke’s (Sidecar).
All area Phis are invited to attend a business casual reception to reconnect with local Phi Delts and friends, facilitate brotherhood in the region and to inform our alumni about the Fraternity today. Also, in partnership with the Washington, DC Area Alumni Club, we will be celebrating Founders Day including Gold and Silver Legionnaire Ceremonies commemorating Phis with 50 years and 25 years of membership respectively.
WHERE: P.J. Clarke’s (Sidecar), 1600 K Street NW, Washington, DC
WHO: All area Phis and guests
WHEN: Thursday, March 26, 2015 – 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Please RSVP via Eventbrite by Sunday, March 22. Registration is free.
The Fraternity will be hosting hors d’oeuvres in the Sidecar room (cash bar available).
If you have questions about the event, please e-mail Andrew Cole at the Phi Delta Theta Foundation.
We hope to see you!
Learn more about “2015 Phi Delt Weekends.”
Phi Delt DC Celebrates Founders Day 2014
On Friday, March 14, 2014, several members of Phi Delta Theta and guests gathered at Gordon Biersch in Washington, DC to celebrate Founders Day.
Although the fraternity was officially founded on December 26, 1848 on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, we celebrate Founders Day on March 15th each year in honor of Founding Father Robert Morrison’s birthday.
A variety of chapters were represented including Akron, Gettysburg, Virginia Tech, MIT, Lawrence, Maryland, Whitman, Missouri State, Shippensburg, Clemson, OIT, Cincinnati and Widener among others. Thanks to all those who attended.
Happy Birthday, Brother Morrison!
More events and opportunities to get involved are coming soon. Stay tuned!
The Evolution of the Modern Fraternity
By Christopher A. Lapple – President, Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity

The Dark Power of Fraternities, written on February 19 by Caitlin Flanagan of The Atlantic, caught the attention of the leadership and general membership of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. While we are very aware of the issues that remain within the walls of fraternities, specifically alcohol-abuse and hazing, Phi Delta Theta and its bold leadership has long been making tough decisions to address them.
No parent, who has the highest hopes when their son or daughter attends college, entering the prime of their life with every good experience yet to come, should have to bury a child. Having said this, society today has become less tolerant of the behavior referenced in the article, especially when it leads to the unthinkable. Understandably, rare instances of death, injury and stereotypical behavior will always make the front page. However, it is unfortunate that positive stories about community service, philanthropy and acts of brotherhood that occur every day are either overshadowed by the bigger, more sensational story or ignored altogether.
Phi Delta Theta introduced an Alcohol Free Housing policy in 1997 with these growing concerns in mind. There was a three-year phase-in period and an implementation of the full policy on July 1, 2000. When this policy was introduced, many skeptics believed that this was the end of our organization. Many predicted the organization’s doom in five years. However, today I’m proud to report that the policy is having a tremendously positive impact, disproving our naysayers, and placing Phi Delta Theta in a much better state today than prior to this groundbreaking decision.
In the early 90s, Phi Delta Theta experienced two undergraduate member deaths. Such moments were incredibly troubling for my predecessors on our Board and they understood that they needed to tackle an issue that was bigger than just Phi Delta Theta. Their solution was to return to the values established by our Founders in 1848 and focus on the Fraternity’s three Cardinal Principles: Friendship – the cultivation of friendship among members, Sound Learning – the acquirement individually of a high degree of mental culture, and Rectitude – the attainment personally of a high standard of morality.
As Phi Delta Theta chapters and its members drifted away from the Fraternity’s true purpose and the vision of our Founders, and upon reflection of our Cardinal Principles, it pointed to a need to realign the organization’s values and actions. Such realignment occurred with the help of Alcohol Free Housing.
Once the organization’s leadership made the decision to move forward, seven goals were established alongside the institution of the Alcohol Free Housing policy: 1) return the focus to our founding principles, 2) combat an alcohol-dominated culture, 3) improve members’ academic performance, 4) stop the deterioration of chapter facilities, 5) slow the rising cost of liability insurance, 6) meet the needs of today’s college students with substantial programming and leadership education, 7) reengage our alumni members.
The return to our core values and the implementation of Alcohol Free Housing has produced overwhelmingly positive results for Phi Delta Theta and the 188 campuses where we exist. We have discovered that many students seek a values-based experience from their fraternity. From 2000, when the policy was fully implemented by all of our chapters until today, we’ve experienced a 41.37% increase in the number of new members who join our organization each year. Our total number of undergraduate members has increased 38.64%.
From a competitive standpoint, our average chapter size is 64 members, the second highest among all fraternities and up from 49 in 2000. The national average hovers around the low to mid 40s. From a chapter growth perspective, we have installed or reinstated 64 chapters since 2000. During the 2012-13 academic year, we installed eight new groups with an average size of 45 new members. We are on pace to do this again in 2013-14.
Sound learning has also improved as the organization’s collective GPA is at 3.01, up from 2.73 in 2000. In addition, our members are making smarter decisions outside of the classroom that keep themselves and their brothers safe from high-risk events. The best way to measure this success is by evaluating the number of incidents that might manifest themselves into insurance claims. We averaged 12.3 alcohol-related insurance claims per year prior to 2000 with an average annual payout of $413,378. Today, we average 4.9 claims a year with an average annual payout of $23,877. The average number of annual claims has decreased 60.5% and the severity of payout has decreased 94.2%. Because of this, our liability insurance costs have dropped substantially, thereby, offering a much more affordable and safer experience to our members. Today, the average per member insurance rate for fraternities is approximately $160 per member; our rate is less than half that at $74 per member.

Our alumni have quickly noticed the difference in our organization and have returned to be involved as advisers and mentors. In 2000, we had approximately 200 advisers. Today, we have 885, a 342.5% increase. Because of the positive effects of Alcohol Free Housing, alumni are more comfortable providing both their time and treasure. Additionally, alumni giving is at an all-time high. In 1990, our Foundation raised just over $494,000; in 2000, just over $1.08 million. This past year, $3.65 million was raised to provide valuable educational programs and financial assistance to our members in the form of undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships.
More than anything, I believe that by removing alcohol from our facilities, we have been able to focus on things that make us a better organization. While we concentrate a great deal on risk management education, our volunteers and staff no longer regularly focus on incidents involving alcohol. We are now able to broaden our focus to other progressive programming for our members.
While we will be the first to admit that we are certainly not perfect, we are extremely confident about our direction, decisions, and leadership, and we remain committed to tackling the tough issues that currently face our organization and our members. Most importantly, we are proud of our members and their support in helping our Fraternity become the greatest version of itself.
This article is cross-posted on the Phi Delta Theta blog
Phi Delta Theta Foundation Meets in Washington, DC
On October 25-27, 2013, Phi Delta Theta Foundation trustees and general headquarters staff members gathered for a foundation board meeting in Washington, DC.

Photo credit: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Phi Delta Theta Colonizes at Delaware State University
Phi Delta Theta establishes Delaware Beta Colony at Delaware State University
In 2011, a group of men at Delaware State University gathered to discuss the proposition of bringing Phi Delta Theta to campus. On Saturday, November 10, 2012, they took one step closer toward realizing that goal. On that day, Phi Delta Theta officially welcomed the Delaware Beta Colony into the fold during a colonization ceremony at the Old State House in Dover, Delaware.

MORE PHOTOS: Delaware Beta Colonization Ceremony
Just steps away from the current Delaware State Capitol Building, the historic Old State House provided the perfect backdrop and added special meaning to the event. The building’s ties to early American history, dating back to 1787, was symbolic of the new journey that these men embark upon in Phi Delta Theta as they recited the oath and were invested with colony pins and fraternity manuals.
Many family members, friends, advisers, Delaware State University students and local area Phis were on hand for the event. Rob Turning, Gamma West Province President and David Almacy, Survey Commission Chairman represented the General Fraternity and officiated the formal proceedings.
During the ceremony, several offered words of advice and encouragement; including colony adviser Dr. Polly Steenhagen, Phi Delts from the Maryland Delta chapter at Johns Hopkins University and other Phi alumni.
Logan Mears, president of the Delaware Beta Colony had this to say upon receiving the Colony charter, “Colonization is more than a measurable milestone for the men of Delaware Beta, it is the beginning of our legacy. It is a revitalization and an important reminder of what is to come. For the last year we have remained steadfast in pursuing the very same Cardinal Principles our Founding Fathers have entrusted to us. We will not fail them.”
Delaware State University (also referred to as DSU, DESU, or Del State), originally established in 1891, is an American historically black, public university located in Dover, Delaware. With a diverse population of 4,200 undergraduate and advanced-degree students on a campus encompassing six colleges, DSU is the second-largest university in the state behind the University of Delaware.
The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity was organized with three principle objectives: The cultivation of friendship among its members, the acquirement individually of a high degree of mental culture, and the attainment personally of a high standard of morality. These objectives, referred to as the “Cardinal Principles,” have guided over 242,000 men (including more than 165,000 living alumni) since December 26, 1848 when the Fraternity was founded at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Phi Delta Theta now has nearly 170 active chapters in 42 states and five Canadian provinces and over 100 recognized alumni clubs across the U.S. and Canada.
UPDATE 2/24/14
Unfortunately, due to small group size and lack of overall progress towards chapter installation requirements, the General Council and Survey Commission of the Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity unanimously voted to remove recognition from the Delaware Beta Colony on February 24, 2014. Phi Delta Theta is hopeful that we may be able to revisit the opportunity to return to Delaware State University at some point in the future.