Tag Archives: DC Alpha
LiveLikeLou’s Suzanne Alexander to Speak at GWU ALS Townhall
The DC Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at George Washington University will be hosting an ALS Town Hall on Saturday, February 16th from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM on campus in Duques Hall 151 located at 2201 G St NW, Washington, DC.
Suzanne Alexander, Founder of the LiveLikeLou Foundation, will be the keynote speaker. This is a great opportunity to come hear her speak and learn more about Phi Delt’s partnership with LiveLikeLou in the fight against ALS.
Phi Delta Theta Installs District of Columbia Alpha at George Washington Univeristy
On December 11, 2016, the members of the District of Columbia Alpha Colony at The George Washington University began the journey towards becoming an official Phi Delta Theta chapter. The colony faced many challenges leading up to becoming an official chapter, but perseverance, hard work, dedication, and a commitment from their members led to the first Phi Delta Theta charter being granted in the District of Columbia on April 21, 2018.
Installation weekend started with a meeting with Phi Delta Theta’s Director of Expansion Alex Atkinson and Colony Development Specialist Tyler Wilson to discuss the weekend’s events and expectations. The General Headquarters team brought the colony members together for what was one of the final nights that they would share as a colony.
On April 20, initiation night, the colony members gathered at the Fraternity Lodge No. 54 in Foggy Bottom to celebrate their transition to full brotherhood within Phi Delta Theta. In attendance were alumni from other chapters, Fraternity volunteers, and staff members.
The installation ceremony on Saturday, April 21 was held in the City View room on The George Washington University campus, just off the national mall. General Council Treasurer Chris Brussalis presented District of Columbia Alpha with its charter in the presence of family, friends, and guests. Guests of honor included IFC Advisor Ethan Stubbs, Phi Delta Theta Survey Commissioner and Pennsylvania Mu (Widener) alumnus David Almacy, Province President and Pennsylvania Iota (Pittsburg) alumnus Scott Lynch, Chapter Advisory Board Chairman and Georgia Gamma (Mercer) alumnus Austin Deray, as well as other CAB members, parents, friends, and guests.
The weekend’s activities were a display of the hard work that each brother has contributed to the foundation of District of Columbia Alpha. This was further exemplified by the goal setting retreat on Sunday, April 22, where the chapter resolved to grow in size, refine their structure, and continue to become the best version of themselves.
The colony wishes to thank all those who contributed to their success and earnestly hopes that they will continue to live up to, and exceed, the expectations that others have for them, as well as their own.
DC Alpha Chapter Installation at GWU
The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity is pleased to officially welcome the DC Alpha Colony as the newest chapter at George Washington University and our first group in the District of Columbia. After colonizing in October 2016 and months of hard work, the colony has been approved to charter by the permission of the Phi Delta Theta General Council.
There will be two nights of activities, Initiation on Friday, April 20 and Charter Installation on Saturday, April 21. This a rare opportunity to witness the establishment of a new chapter. We hope that you will join us for one or both of the events. More details are below:
INITIATION CEREMONY – Friday, April 20, 2018
The DC Alpha colony members will be initiated into Phi Delta Theta at Fraternity Lodge, No. 54 F.A.A.M. located at 701 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC on Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7 PM..
Who: Limited to ONLY members of Phi Delta Theta & DC Alpha Colony
When: Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7 PM
Where: Fraternity Lodge, No.54 F.A.A.M.
701 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/phi-delta-theta-dc-alpha-colony-initiation-tickets-44905400261
Business attire
CHARTER INSTALLATION & BANQUET – Saturday, April 21, 2018
On the second night, DC Alpha will officially receive their charter from Phi Delta Theta General Council Treasurer Chris Brussalis. The ceremony will take place in the City View Room (7th Floor) in the Elliot School of International Affairs Building located at 1957 E Street, NW, Washington, DC on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 7 PM. A banquet with food and beverages will follow.
Who: Attendance is OPEN to Phi Delta Theta members and guests including family, friends, alumni, fellow Greeks and the George Washington University community.
When: Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 7 PM
Where: Elliot School of International Affairs Building
1957 E Street, NW, City View Room (7th Floor), Washington, DC
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dc-alpha-colony-installation-tickets-44906045190
Business attire
The cost is $20 per person and space is limited.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Dennis Constanza, Alumni Chairman, DC Alpha or cell (424)-477-8291.
Regional Recruitment Workshop Hosted at GWU
In an effort to increase the opportunities for undergraduate and alumni volunteers to receive high quality recruitment education and training, Phi Delta Theta is offering five regional Recruitment Workshops throughout the year.
Phi Delta Theta is partnering with Phired Up Productions to offer both Social Excellence Training as well as Dynamic Recruitment Training. Each Workshop runs from 10 AM to 4:30 PM on the day of the event.
We are thrilled that the first was hosted in Washington, DC on January 27, 2018 by the men of the District of Columbia Alpha Colony at George Washington University.
More info about the workshops can be found here:
Phi Delta Theta Colonizes District of Columbia Alpha at George Washington University
As winter quickly approaches in the nation’s capital and as the fall semester draws to an end, one group of men at the George Washington University have a great reason to celebrate. On Sunday, December 11, 26 men were welcomed into the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity as the District of Columbia Alpha Colony.
Colony members and other attendees gathered at the Marvin Center at on December 11 for the official colonization ceremony, led by Province President Scott Lynch (Pittsburgh ‘97). In attendance were Colony Advisory Board (CAB) Chairman Austin DeRay (Mercer ‘10), CAB Financial Advisor Alex Stefanic (Clemson ’11), CAB Education Advisory Tim Alford (Ohio Wesleyan ’14), CAB Academic Advisor Matt Zembrzuski (NC State ’98), CAB Member-at-Large Will Turanchik (Akron ’90), Phi Delta Theta Survey Commissioner and President of the DC Alumni Club David Almacy (Widener ‘92), Faculty Advisor Mike Steele, and several local Phi Delta Theta alumni. You could feel the enthusiasm in the room as everyone welcomed the first Phi Delta Theta colony in Washington, D.C.
The colonization ceremony brings great excitement to Leadership Consultants Alex Atkinson (Missouri Western ’16) and BJ Henderson (Wisconsin ’16) as they worked to recruit and provide organizational assistance to the men of this colony. They have no doubt that the leaders of the colony will guide them to become a leading Greek organization in the near future.
During the ceremony, numerous individuals provided words of encouragement to the colony. David Almacy stated that “you must remain steadfast through it all” when dealing with the good and the bad that comes with being a member of the Fraternity. Colony President Alexander Evers noted that the colony men will now come together through a deeper meaning within the Fraternity. Others who spoke discussed how thrilled and happy they were to have an official Phi Delta Theta colony in the District.
Throughout the recruitment process, the Expansion team searched for individuals who will embrace the Phi Delta Theta values, and they were able to find high caliber men who are leaders at the George Washington University. The group’s members come from different backgrounds and each have varying majors and interests, but they have all come together and are willing to put forth the time and effort to bring Phi Delta Theta to GWU. Additionally, the colony’s members currently have a 3.5 GPA, placing them in competition with fellow Greek organizations.
There were several individuals who provided great assistance during the development of the colony. A special thank you is in order for the Colony Advisory Board, the George Washington University and the alumni in the area who helped developed this group.
December 11, 2016 is a date that every District of Columbia Alpha Colony man will remember as they each begin their journey with Phi Delta Theta. It will also be a date to remember as the Fraternity works to add another chapter to its rich history by officially expanding to the District of Columbia.

George Washington University in Washington, DC
Scott Lynch (Pittsburgh ‘97), Delta North Province President, officiates the ceremony along with
Phi Delta Theta Leadership Consultant Alex Atkinson (Missouri Western ’16) and Colony Advisory Board (CAB) Chairman Austin DeRay (Mercer ‘10)
26 Founding Fathers took the fraternity oath in establishing Phi Delta Theta at GWU
Members of the DC Alpha Colony of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Washington, DC Alpha Colonization Ceremony at GWU
All members, guests, family and friends of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity are cordially invited to attend the Colonization Ceremony of Washington, DC Alpha on the campus of George Washington University. Recruitment efforts officially began this fall and we are pleased to be able to take this next important step in the process of establishing a chapter at GWU.
The ceremony will take place on Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 2 PM ET in GWU’s Marvin Center, Room 309. Admission is free and the event is open to the public. Business attire (coat and tie) is requested.
WHERE: Marvin Center, George Washington University
800 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington, DC
WHO: All area Phi Delts, family, friends, GWU Greek community and guests
WHEN: Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 2 PM
Please RSVP via Eventbrite. We expect a large turnout by friends/family of the colony, GWU Greek Life community, local area Phi Delt undergraduates and alumni so we kindly ask that you RSVP by Wednesday, December 7, 2016 so that we can plan accordingly.
If you have questions about the event, please contact GHQ Leadership Consultant BJ Henderson at (262) 930-9679 or send an email to updates@phideltdc.com with subject line “DC Alpha Colony.”
Phi Delta Theta Expands to George Washington University
Washington, DC Alpha Colony Forms Fall 2016
We are very pleased to announce that following a presentation by GHQ staff and local Phi Delt alumni to the GWU IFC this past April, Phi Delta Theta has been officially selected to expand to the campus of George Washington University.
Although we have local chapters at UMD, McDaniel, Washington College, Johns Hopkins and UVA, this will be the first expansion for Phi Delta Theta in our nation’s capital city.
Recruitment efforts will begin later this Fall after Formal Rush has been completed. If you would like to be involved with the expansion efforts, please register via Phi Delta Theta’s website and indicate your interest in serving on the Washington, DC Alpha Colony Advisory Board.