Tag Archives: Challenge Coin
Challenge Coin Campaign for the 79th Biennial General Convention
The Washington DC Alumni Club is proud to host Phi Delta Theta’s 79th Biennial General Convention at the Crystal Gateway Marriot. As a local Phi we certainly hope that you will join us for the this tremendous event!
Whether you’re traveling from Bethesda, Baltimore, Birmingham, or Bismark we want all Phis to have a memorable experience and wanted to provide a “Convention Keepsake” to remember this event.
This is why the alumni club has purchased Challenge Coins to be given to all attendees of the Grand Banquet. Members of the U.S. military have a long-standing tradition of carrying a special coin symbolizing unit identity and esprit de corps. With bonds forged in battle thousands of miles from home, these custom coins minted for military units – each bearing their own revered symbols and mottos – capture in metal the essence of their affiliation and their fierce pride.
Considering that we will be “a stone’s throw” from the Pentagon, we decided that this would be a great way to remember the event and help serve as of remembrance that as Phi Delts, we also have a charge to keep. May we always strive to uphold the principles of Phi Delta Theta in our daily lives as outlined by the Immortal Six.
We are asking area alumni to help underwrite the the expense of these coins by making a contribution of any amount to our WePay page. Regardless of whether you plan on attending Convention or not, if you make a contribution of at least $25, you will receive this special challenge coin. Also, if you make a contribution of $100, you will receive two free tickets to the Washington Nationals game during Convention when Ryan Zimmerman will receive Phi Delta Theta’s Gehrig Award. Tickets in the Fraternity’s block are sold out, but if you give at least $100, we will ensure that you have tickets.
Thanks for your consideration to help make this a memorable cause for Phis in DC! To donate, click here.
General Headquarters
2 South Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056-1801
FAX: 513-523-9200