Category Archives: News
Phi Delta Theta Celebrates Passage of Stop Campus Hazing Act, Reaffirms Anti-Hazing Commitment
Phi Delta Theta proudly celebrates the recent Senate passage of the Stop Campus Hazing Act (S.2901), a critical step in the fight against hazing. This legislation, designed to strengthen federal hazing prevention efforts through improved data collection and transparency, is now headed to the President’s desk for signing into law.
The Stop Campus Hazing Act requires each institution of higher education that receives federal student aid to maintain and update biannually a website page that discloses student organization violations of the institution’s code of conduct that threaten the safety of students. The report would detail the corrective measures imposed by the school on the student organization. This would allow students and parents to make more informed decisions about which student organizations are safe to join.
Phi Delta Theta holds the safety of every member of the Fraternity, as well as the members of their campuses and communities in the highest regard. The organization does not tolerate any actions that directly contradict its values and policies and holds strict rulings against members who violate Fraternity expectations or the law. Phi Delta Theta does not condone any form of hazing and spends great resources educating about its dangers and consequences. If discovered, the Fraternity takes swift disciplinary action against chapters or individuals responsible. Hazing is contrary to the purpose of fraternity, let alone Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.
In September 2017, the death of Max Gruver proved Phi Delta Theta wasn’t doing enough to fight hazing. Since then, the Fraternity has worked to restructure its approach. Through partnerships with the Max Gruver Foundation and the Anti-Hazing Coalition, we are working together to educate and eradicate the behavior.
Partnership with Max Gruver Foundation
Following Max’s death, Rae Ann and Steve Gruver created The Max Gruver Foundation. In January 2020, Phi Delta Theta announced its partnership with The Max Gruver Foundation. This relationship provides unique opportunities to work together to strengthen educational efforts to prevent future tragedies.
Our partnership with the Max Gruver Foundation has led to additional efforts. In February 2022, Phi Delta Theta joined the Anti-Hazing Coalition. This coalition is an unprecedented collaboration between families who have lost a child to hazing, to establish laws that provide consequences for hazing. Phi Delta Theta has used its network and has supported Capitol Hill lobbying efforts, including the Stop Campus Hazing Act (S.2901, H.R. 5646).
Anti-Hazing Education
In the fall of 2022, it became apparent that anti-hazing conversations and education need to begin before students enter college. As a result, Phi Delta Theta expanded its partnership with the Max Gruver Foundation by assisting with the education of high school students. Phi Delta Theta Fraternity and the Max Gruver Foundation created Take Action: Building New Traditions to further anti-hazing education in high schools to ensure that no more lives are affected by hazing.
Our efforts with the Anti-Hazing Coalition, the Gruver family, and The Max Gruver Foundation celebrate the life and memory of Max while working to eradicate hazing. Through this partnership, we have initiated a grassroots effort to mobilize members, volunteers, friends, and families to join in the measures to establish laws that provide transparency and true consequences to this behavior that directly contradicts our values.
Founded at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, on December 26, 1848, Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity has 194 chapters and emerging chapters and 85 alumni clubs across the United States and Canada. To date, the Fraternity has initiated nearly 280,000 men into the society whose founding principles are Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude. In 2000, Phi Delta Theta became the largest fraternity to implement an alcohol-free housing policy in all facilities. Guided today by its Phi Delt 2030 strategic plan, Phi Delta Theta’s vision is to be recognized as the premier fraternal leadership development society in North America.
Volunteers Needed for 2024 I AM ALS Flag Event on the National Mall
We are seeking Phi Delta Theta and Live Like Lou volunteers in the DC/MD/VA area to take photographs of a meaningful flag display at the National Mall for people living with and affected by ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Make a real difference for people and their families living with ALS by coming out to the National Mall on Wednesday, May 29 from 1 PM to 6 PM (or until the project is completed) to help take pictures of 6,000 flags that symbolize the number of people diagnosed with ALS this year. Flags are personalized for people living with and lost to ALS as well as ALS gene carriers. Photographs will be downloaded and shared all over the country.
Volunteers should meet at the National Mall between Washington Monument and 14th St NW. Metro stops near the installation are Smithsonian and Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter.
Volunteer Registration
Questions? Please email Deb Paust, Community Organizing Associate at I AM ALS, at or Emily Johnson, Communications and Operations Associate, at
Phi Delta Theta and Live Like Lou are proud to partner with I AM ALS in support of their DC ALS Awareness Event 2024.
About Live Like Lou
Named in honor of MLB Hall of Famer Lou Gehrig, a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Live Like Lou supports ALS families, funds emerging researchers seeking meaningful treatments and cures for ALS, and helps generate awareness of Lou Gehrig’s disease. Learn more at
George Mason University Welcomes Phi Delta Theta
Phi Delt Arrives at George Mason University
How You Can Help
The Chapter Advisory Board
Our team will reach out to those interested to share more about our volunteer opportunities and connect you with those already in place. Our goal is to develop a diverse collection of volunteers: men/women, Phi Delts/non-Phi Delts, Phi Delts from multiple chapters, in-person/virtual, etc.
Sponsor a Virginia Lambda New Member
All transactions are non-tax deductible and are used to directly offset new member and initiation dues that are billed to the emerging chapter.
Follow the Project
Get Involved
Phi Delta Theta Installs Virginia Kappa at Radford University
On April 24, 2021, the men of the Virginia Kappa Emerging Chapter were initiated into Phi Delta Theta. That evening, the officiating ceremony members presented the men with their charter during the installation ceremony in the Hurlburt Student Center Auditorium at Radford University. Virginia Kappa is the tenth Phi Delta Theta chapter installed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Leading the weekend’s initiation and installation ceremonies were the Fraternity’s General Council President Dr. Chris W. Brussalis, Delta North Province President Austin Deray, and Leadership Consultants Corbin Lovelady and Devin Thornton.
Following the presentation of their charter, several constituents made remarks.
Virginia Kappa President Evan Walker reflected upon his time as a member. “One of the best aspects of our Phi Delta Theta chapter is that we are all unique, but this organization has bonded us all together through similar values and moral codes. With this blessing, we can forge our own path at Radford, and I’m confident we can overcome any obstacle. I’m so proud to be brothers with all of you men.”
Support Anti-Hazing Coalition
This morning, NBC’s TODAY Show featured the Anti-Hazing Coalition and members of PUSH (Parents United to Stop Hazing), the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee (FSPAC), and others who were on Capitol Hill today to support the END ALL Hazing Act (H.R.3267) and the REACH Act (H.R.662/S.706) to provide greater transparency through the reporting of all hazing acts on a college campus. Included in the group are Jim and Evelyn Piazza who joined us this summer at Kleberg.
Please help support Phi Delta Theta’s efforts to end hazing through education, transparency and accountability. Consider making a donation today.
Parents United to Stop Hazing Initiative (PUSH) Presentation Recap from Phi Delta Theta on Vimeo.
DC Alpha Chapter Installation at GWU
The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity is pleased to officially welcome the DC Alpha Colony as the newest chapter at George Washington University and our first group in the District of Columbia. After colonizing in October 2016 and months of hard work, the colony has been approved to charter by the permission of the Phi Delta Theta General Council.
There will be two nights of activities, Initiation on Friday, April 20 and Charter Installation on Saturday, April 21. This a rare opportunity to witness the establishment of a new chapter. We hope that you will join us for one or both of the events. More details are below:
INITIATION CEREMONY – Friday, April 20, 2018
The DC Alpha colony members will be initiated into Phi Delta Theta at Fraternity Lodge, No. 54 F.A.A.M. located at 701 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC on Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7 PM..
Who: Limited to ONLY members of Phi Delta Theta & DC Alpha Colony
When: Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7 PM
Where: Fraternity Lodge, No.54 F.A.A.M.
701 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC
Business attire
CHARTER INSTALLATION & BANQUET – Saturday, April 21, 2018
On the second night, DC Alpha will officially receive their charter from Phi Delta Theta General Council Treasurer Chris Brussalis. The ceremony will take place in the City View Room (7th Floor) in the Elliot School of International Affairs Building located at 1957 E Street, NW, Washington, DC on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 7 PM. A banquet with food and beverages will follow.
Who: Attendance is OPEN to Phi Delta Theta members and guests including family, friends, alumni, fellow Greeks and the George Washington University community.
When: Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 7 PM
Where: Elliot School of International Affairs Building
1957 E Street, NW, City View Room (7th Floor), Washington, DC
Business attire
The cost is $20 per person and space is limited.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Dennis Constanza, Alumni Chairman, DC Alpha or cell (424)-477-8291.
2018 General Convention in San Antonio
The 82nd Biennial General Convention will take place June 21-24, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio in Texas. It will be a momentous celebration for Phi Delta Theta as Phis convene from around the world to meet in the true spirit of The Bond of Phi Delta Theta and enact the supreme legislative powers of the Fraternity.
The 2018 Convention is located just steps away from San Antonio’s River Walk and the iconic Alamo. The historic downtown offers plenty of entertainment and shopping venues, plus events to allow brothers to reconnect with old acquaintances while connecting for the first time with other Brothers in the Bond.
As an alumni club, we are encouraged to take part in all festivities, including a special Alumni Club Roundtable that will be held at 3 PM on Thursday, June 21, prior to the start of the Convention.
Austin Deray, CAB Chairman for the men of DC Alpha at The George Washington University, will be representing the Phi Delta Theta Washington, DC Alumni Club as our voting delegate at Convention. Jason Schwemer will be the alternate delegate.
We hope that you will consider joining us in San Antonio, as well!
Phi Delt Casino Night at UMD
The men of Phi Delta Theta and the women of Alpha Phi at the University of Maryland are excited to host the 7th Annual Casino Night philanthropy event on March 9th, as well as the 4th Annual Parents and Alumni Casino Night on the evening of March 10th. All proceeds from the event will be donated towards the LiveLikeLou Foundation for ALS, Terps Against Hunger, and the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Alumni Event Details
The second night, Saturday, March 10th from 6 PM – 10 PM, is open exclusively to parents and alumni and will include a night of games, music, silent auction, and cocktail style hors d’oeuvres. This event will be held at Terrapin’s Turf, 4410 Knox Rd, College Park, MD. A wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages, beer, wine, and spirits will be available.
The Maryland Alpha chapter of Phi Delta Theta is hopeful that they will be able to surpass the $27,000 raised last year, setting a target of $30,000 for this year’s event. With your help, they will be able to make this year a success.
Below is a breakdown of donation levels and the benefits of each.
- Donors with a contribution of any size will be recognized in our event booklet.
- Our Bronze evel donors with contributions of $100 on the event t-shirt that will be sold the night of the event.
- Our Silver level donors with contributions of $200 will be receive the bronze level benefits plus recognition on a banner to be draped from the front of the chapter house leading up to, and during the event.
- Our Gold level donors with contributions of $500 or more will receive the Silver level benefits with the addition of being an honorary table sponsor.
If you wish to contribute to the event, please do so via their online fundraising campaign at:
Please use the comments section provided on the donation page to let people know that you donated!
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Brothers of Phi Delta Theta and Sisters of Alpha Phi
Casino Night Chairs
Jesse Doris & Lexie Adams
Regional Recruitment Workshop Hosted at GWU
In an effort to increase the opportunities for undergraduate and alumni volunteers to receive high quality recruitment education and training, Phi Delta Theta is offering five regional Recruitment Workshops throughout the year.
Phi Delta Theta is partnering with Phired Up Productions to offer both Social Excellence Training as well as Dynamic Recruitment Training. Each Workshop runs from 10 AM to 4:30 PM on the day of the event.
We are thrilled that the first was hosted in Washington, DC on January 27, 2018 by the men of the District of Columbia Alpha Colony at George Washington University.
More info about the workshops can be found here:
An Open Letter: “Love of the Flag…”
January 6, 2021
Dear Presidential Site Friends, Neighbors, and fellow Citizens,
Today’s demonstrations began as an expression of first amendment rights. But the afternoon’s violence at the U.S. Capitol was an unacceptable assault on our American system of self-government, and merits formal condemnation and censure. We deserve better as a country, and we must hold each other accountable if we are to carry on this grand experiment in self-government started by the founders over two centuries ago.
Political strife has wracked our country before—and will again—but our greatest strength remains in the rule of law, and the bulwark of justice embodied in our constitution. Few American presidents have articulated these core principles as thoughtfully and persuasively as Benjamin Harrison, as he did post-presidency in Old Forge, New York, on July 27, 1895. The following excerpt, while lengthy, is well worth reading: