Category Archives: Events
2006 Events
7th Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 22, 2006 – The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association is sponsoring this area’s seventh annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Constitution Gardens (on the National Mall, next to the WWII Memorial) at 10 AM on Sunday, October 22nd, 2006. Join our team!
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s partnership with the ALS Association to fight for a cure.
The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Due to the overwhelming success from past years, the chapter will sponsor six additional walks this year:
– Ocean Pines, MD – Saturday, September 30, 2006
– Hagerstown, MD – Saturday, October 7, 2006
– Baltimore, MD – Sunday, October 8, 2006
– Salem, VA – Sunday, October 8, 2006
– Richmond, VA – Saturday, October 14, 2006
– Washington, DC – Sunday, October 22, 2006
– Chesapeake, VA – Saturday, October 28, 2006
Those interested in learning more may call 301-978-9855, visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or send an email to:
Porter’s Saloon – October 2006
October 18, 2006 – It’s time for another Phi Delta Theta DC Alumni Club gathering at Porter’s Saloon. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow Phis in the DC Area. Please pass along to other Phis in the DC area. Friends of Phis are also welcome.
WHO: All Phi Delts and Guests
DATE: Wednesday, October 18, 2006
TIME: 6 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Porter’s Dining Saloon Map
1207 19th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Porter’s Saloon – August 2006
August 17, 2006 – Come join your fellow Capital Phis for a DC summer gathering – a great opportunity for young and old to network, interact and share experiences.
WHO: All Phi Delts and Guests
DATE: Thursday, August 17, 2006
TIME: 6 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Porter’s Dining Saloon Map
1207 19th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phi Delta Theta 76th Biennial Convention, Kansas City, Missouri
June 29-July 2, 2006 – Hundreds of Phis gathered at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri for Phi Delta Theta’s 76th Biennial Convention.
Local convention delegates attended from the Washington, DC Alumni Club and local undergraduate chapters including Maryland Alpha, University of Maryland; Maryland Beta, McDaniel College; Maryland Gamma, Washington College; and Virginia Beta, University of Virginia.
2005 Events
6th Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 23, 2005 – The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association is sponsoring this area’s fifth annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Constitution Gardens (on the National Mall, next to the WWII Memorial) at 10 AM on Sunday, October 23rd, 2005. Join our team!
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s partnership with the ALS Association to fight for a cure.
The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Due to the overwhelming success from 2004, the chapter will sponsor five more walks this year:
– Hagerstown, MD – October 2, 2005
– Baltimore, MD – October 9, 2005
– Richmond, VA – October 15, 2005
– Chesapeake, VA – October 22, 2005
– Washington, DC – October 23, 2005
– Ocean Pines, MD – November 5, 2005
Those interested in learning more may call 301-978-9855, visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or send an email to:
Capital Fraternal Caucus
2005 Congressional Visits
April 16 – 20, 2005 – Approximately 40 undergraduate fraternity and sorority members will travel to Washington, DC for a new student leadership initiative. Participants will get an inside look into how Washington works, a specific review of the Greek policy agenda, and make Hill visits to communicate Greek issues to members of Congress and their staff.
Brothers M. Kelley Shepherd, Virginia and Brian Mazanec, Richmond have been selected to represent Phi Delta Theta during this year’s program.
Pennsylvania Beta Re-Installation at Gettysburg College
April 16, 2005 – After an eight-year absence, the Pennsylvania Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta proudly returns to Gettysburg College.

Phi Delta Theta returns to Gettysburg College.
8:30 AM – Meet at the Phi Delta Theta house on West Lincoln (corner of North Washington). See #26 on this Gettysburg College campus map.
9:30 AM – Initiation begins
Members who arrive after 8:30 AM can call Sean Wagner via his cell at 513-461-9184.
6 PM – Installation and Reception will take place at the Gettysburg Hotel located at One Lincoln Square, Gettysburg, PA. Call 800-528-1234 or 717-337-2000 for more information.
Business attire (suit or coat and tie) for all events. For additional information, please contact Pennsylvania Beta Colony President, Doug Seale at 516-521-4270
Phi Delta Theta transferred ownership of the house to the College, and in turn, signed a license agreement that would allow Pennsylvania Beta to house its members. The Phi Delta Theta house renovations started late last year and the doors officially opened this semester.
2004 Events
5th Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 10, 2004 – The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association is sponsoring this area’s fifth annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Constitution Gardens (on the National Mall, next to the WWII Memorial) at 10 AM on Sunday, October 10th, 2004.
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s partnership with the ALS Association to fight for a cure.
The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Those interested in learning more may call 301-978-9855, visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or send an email to:
Capital Fraternal Caucus
Back to School Reception/Greek Hill Day
September 22, 2004 – Administration and Hill staffers are invited to attend a Back to School Reception/Greek Hill Day Reception hosted by the Capital Fraternal Caucus. The keynote speaker will be U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN), a member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity.
WHAT: CFC Back to School Reception/Greek Hill Day
DATE: Wednesday, September 22, 2004
TIME: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
WHERE: 902 Hart Senate Office Building
Please RSVP to:
Be sure to include your name, Phi Delta Theta chapter, alma mater, and office contact info.
April 26, 2004 – The Capital Fraternal Caucus is hosting two campaign events as part of their Greeks Organizing Voting Opportunities, Transportation and Education in 04 (GO VOTE 04) political outreach program.
If you plan on attending either event, please indicate that you are a member of Phi Delta Theta so that our participation can be properly credited.
Please Join Us For A Reception In Appreciation of Fraternity and Sorority Members of the Bush-Cheney Team
With Special Guest:
Ken Mehlman, Bush-Cheney Campaign Manager (Phi Kappa Tau)
Other VIPs to be announced pending schedules.
WHAT: Bush-Cheney ’04 event for fraternity & sorority members
WHEN: April 26, 2004, 6 PM doors open, 6:30 PM host committee reception, 7 PM reception
WHERE: Patton Boggs, 2550 M Street, Washington, DC
COST: $100 per person for reception, $1,000 per person for photo opportunity
Please RSVP by April 23 if you plan on attending. For questions, please contact Kevin O’Neill, 757-207-6002 or by email at
Please Join Us For A Reception In Appreciation of Democratic Fraternity and Sorority Members
WHAT: John Kerry / DNC event for fraternity & sorority members
WHEN: Monday, April 26, 2004, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
WHERE: Local 16, 1604 U St. NW, Washington DC
COST: $100 per person for reception
Please RSVP by April 23 if you plan on attending. Ckecks should be made payable to “John Kerry for President” and mailed to:
Evan L. Morris
2550 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
Congressional Reception
April 27, 2004 – Representatives from the NIC, PanHel, NPHC and the Capital Fraternal Caucus, will convene in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress and promote Greek advocacy.
The Annual Congressional Reception will take place on the evening of April 27 at 5:30 PM in the Cannon Caucus Room on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress and Capitol Hill staff who are fraternity/sorority alumni attend this event to network with their Inter/National fraternity and sorority leaders. Greek Members of Congress are recognized annually by the North-American Interfraternity Conference for their leadership and efforts on behalf of the Greek community.
Phi Delta Theta currently has five members serving in the U.S. Congress: Rep. Chris Bell (D-TX-25th), Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO-5th), Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN-3rd), Rep. Max Sandlin (D-TX-1st) and Sen. Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ).
Phi Delta Theta 75th Biennial Convention, Marina del Rey, California
June 24-27, 2004 – Hundreds of Phis gathered at the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel in California for Phi Delta Theta’s 75th Biennial Convention.
Local convention delegates attended from the Washington, DC Alumni Club and local undergraduate chapters including Maryland Alpha, University of Maryland; Maryland Beta, McDaniel College; Maryland Gamma, Washington College; and Virginia Beta, University of Virginia.
If you are interested in attending future conventions or for more information, please visit the Phi Delta Theta website.
2003 Events
4th Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 19, 2003 – The DC/MD/VA Chapter of the ALS Association is sponsoring this area’s fourth annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Lincoln Memorial at 9 AM on Sunday, October 19th, 2003.
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s partnership with the ALS Association to fight for a cure.
The DC/MD/VA Chapter (formerly the National Capital Area Chapter) of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Those interested in learning more may visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or by contacting Pat Frieberg, Executive Director of the ALSA-NCAC, at 301-978-9855.
2003 Gamma Province Meeting
July 25-26, 2003 – Chapters from the Gamma Provinces: Gamma North, Gamma South and Gamma West convened for two-day regional leadership conference on July 25 & 26, 2003 in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by the Maryland Alpha chapter located at the University of Maryland.
The two-day regional event consisted of United States Capitol and White House tours, an awards dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill and leadership training sessions hosted at the Maryland Alpha chapter house at the University of Maryland in College Park. More >>
Capital Fraternal Caucus “Back to School” Reception
September 17, 2003 – Administration and Hill staffers are invited to attend a “Back to School” Reception hosted by the Capital Fraternal Caucus (formerly Greek PAC).
WHAT: CFC “Back to School” Reception
WHEN: Wednesday, September 17, 2003, 6 PM – 8 PM
WHERE: 2262 Rayburn House Office Building
Please RSVP to:
Be sure to include your name, Phi Delta Theta chapter, alma mater, and office contact info.
NIC Congressional Reception
April 29, 2003 – Representatives from the NIC, PanHel and NPHC, convened in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress and promote Greek advocacy.
A reception was held in the Cannon Caucus Room from 5:30 to 8 PM with with several hundred people from the Hill and national fraternities/sororities in attendance.
The event’s Master of Ceremonies was Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX/Pi Kappa Alpha), and award recipients included: Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN/Beta Theta Pi), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI/Delta Tau Delta), Rep. Ben Cardin (D-MD/Pi Lambda Phi), Rep. John Lewis (D-GA/Phi Beta Sigma) and Rep. Mike Oxley (R-OH/Sigma Chi).
Phi Delta Theta currently has numerous staffers on Capitol Hill and five members serving in the U.S. Congress: Rep. Chris Bell (D-TX-25th), Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO-5th), Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN-3rd), Rep. Max Sandlin (D-TX-1st) and Sen. Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ).
Watch a Live Telecast of CNN’s Crossfire
March 12, 2003 – Come join your Phi Delt brothers for an hour of lively political debate on CNN’s Crossfire with hosts James Carville, Paul Begala, Robert Novak and Tucker Carlson on the campus of The George Washington University.
The show starts promptly at 7 PM ET, but we will need to be in our seats in the studio no later than 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6 PM.
Jack Morton Auditorium
Media and Public Affairs (MPA) Building
The George Washington University
805 21st Street, NW (Corner of 21st and H streets)
Washington, DC 20052
Metrorail: The Foggy Bottom/GWU station is on the Orange and Blue lines (walk two blocks east and take a right on 21st Street).
Parking: The University Parking Garage entrance is located on I Street, between 22nd and 23rd streets (two blocks west of the MPA Building).
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by email with names of those attending. We are meeting just outside the studio between 6:00 and 6:15 PM.
Phi Delt Alumni Career Fair at University of Maryland
March 9, 2003 – On Sunday March 9th, at 4 PM, the Phi Delts at the University of Maryland (Maryland Alpha) will be hosting an Alumni Career Fair at the chapter house located at 4605 College Avenue in College Park, MD.
This is the second such event that the chapter has held in as many years. The first was very well recieved and proved to be quite a success for both alumni and undergrads.
Members of the MD Alpha House Corporation will be there along with many other alumni who will share their graduate/job search/career experiences with the undergraduate Brothers.
This is also a fantastic opportunity for the Phikeias to meet alumni demonstrating dedication to the Fraternity even after graduation.
If you are interested in attending, please contact John Flannery, President, Maryland Alpha at
Congressional Fraternal Caucus Kickoff Reception
March 4, 2003 – Please join the more than 160 Representatives, Senators and hundreds of Congressional staff who are proud members of a collegiate fraternal organization.
The commitment of fraternal organizations to the ideals of friendship, learning, moral development and service to others have served as the foundation for developing citizens and leaders.
WHAT: Congressional Fraternal Caucus Kickoff Reception WHEN: Tuesday, March 4, 2003, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM WHERE: 2237 Rayburn House Office Building Light hors d’ourves and beverages provided.
Please RSVP by Friday, February 28 to:
Include your name, alma mater, fraternity or sorority affiliation and office contact info.
Book Signing & Discussion with Bob Schieffer
February 11, 2003 – Brother Bob Schieffer, Texas Christian ’59, anchor and moderator of “Face the Nation”, CBS News’ Sunday public affairs broadcast, will discuss and sign his new book This Just In: What I Couldn’t Tell You on TV, (Penguin Putnam).
When: Tues, Feb. 11, 2003 at 1 PM Where: Borders on L Street
1801 L Street NW
Washington, DC
Phone: 202-466-4999
This Just In is a frank, funny and insightful look at 30 years’ worth of news events from one of broadcast journalism’s most respected and admired personalities. Since joining CBS News in 1969, Bob Schieffer has been one of the few correspondents to have covered the four corners (the White House, the Capitol, the State Department and the Pentagon) of the Washington news beat.
From the tumultuous days of the civil rights movement and the Kennedy and King assassinations, to the surreal chaos that was Election 2000, Schieffer has witnessed, and now writes about, it all. Perceptive and honest, his account offers the behind-the-scenes details that come only with experience, access and commitment. Nightline host Ted Koppel writes, “Schieffer spins the kind of engaging yarn that is normally to be found only in beer joints and hotel cocktail lounges when reporters congregate at the end of a long day.”
TCU names journalism program after Bob Schieffer (Dallas Business Journal, 3/7/05)
Greek PAC Meeting
February 4, 2003 – Greek PAC, a Greek political network aimed at helping college fraternities and sororities achieve their policy agenda in Washington, DC will be having a meeting for all members on the night of Tuesday, February 4 from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Capitol Hill Club. Soft drinks and snacks will be provided.
In the past few months, several leaders of Greek PAC have been hard at work on issues of student safety, freedom of association and improved public understanding of the Greek world. Three committees held a series of meetings this past fall to develop and pursue these aims, and the February 4 meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to come together and offer input on plans for 2003.
The tentative agenda includes discussion on: reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, freedom of association issues, student safety legislation, a Washington-focused response to a planned MTV series on fraternity life, planning for the Capitol Hill visits of Greek leaders in April, working with the Administration’s leaders on community service programs, further development of a grassroots network, and plans for a potential social event for all Capitol Hill Greeks.
If you are interested in getting involved with this exciting new initiative, please contact us and/or Kevin O’Neill at Patton Boggs at 202-457-6136. This will be the first of many meetings, so if you are unable to attend, but would still like to be involved, please let us know.
2003 Gamma Province Meeting
Chapters from the Gamma Provinces: Gamma North, Gamma South and Gamma West convened for two-day regional leadership conference on July 25 & 26, 2003 in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by the Maryland Alpha chapter located at the University of Maryland.
In the absence of Leadership College in Oxford, Ohio this summer, the Province Presidents thought it all the more important to provide a regional forum for learning, leadership training and discussion on best practices and effective chapter management. We were also honored to have General Council Reporter Rudy Porchivina on hand to address the group.
Below is a schedule of events:
Friday, July 25, 2003
Washington, DC
3:30 PM US Capitol tour with former Rep. Ed Pease (R-IN)
5:30 PM Brief Orientation in US Capitol, Room HC-8
7:30 PM White House tour of the West Wing
9 PM Dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill, Cabinet Room
11 PM Maryland Alpha, UMD, College Park, MD
Saturday, July 26, 2003
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
9 AM Breakfast at MD Alpha
10 AM Opening Ritual, Formal Introductions
10:15 AM Reading of the Bond, Discussion
10:30 AM Rudy Porchivina, General Council Reporter
11:30 AM Q & A
12 PM Lunch at RJ Bentley’s
2 PM Successes & Challenges
3:30 PM Closing Ritual & Pass the Gavel
4 PM Adjourn
List of Attendees
CT Alpha – Central Connecticut State University
Louis LaVecchia, President
Chris Johnson
NJ Alpha – Rutgers University
Evan Guerin, Alumni Secretary
PA Zeta – University of Pennsylvania
Matt Hartman, Social Chairman
Matt London, Rush Chairman
PA Mu – Widener University
Carl Joyce, Phikeia Educator
MD Alpha – University of Maryland
John Flannery, President
Matt Nietubicz, House Manager
Adam Luecking, House Corp President
MD Beta – McDaniel College
Greg Masimore, Vice President
Sean Miller, Rush Chairman
Jeff McKenna, Chapter Adviser
MD Gamma – Washington College
Did not attend
VA Beta – University of Virginia
J. Craig Kemper, President
Patricio Prieto
Ryan Murphy, Phikeia Educator
(2002-03 Arthur R. Priest Award Winner)
PA Epsilon – Dickinson College
Christian Miller, Treasurer
Joseph Masciantonio, Risk Management Chairman
PA Theta – Pennsylvania State University
Phil Donegan, President
Adam Hampton, Social Chairman
PA Omicron – Shippensburg University
Matt Peffer, President
Sean Turner, Alumni Secretary/PR Chair
Check out photos from the 2003 Gamma Province Meeting.
Special thanks to Ed Pease, Ann Ruebelmann, Brooke Carrier, Jaki Downs, Carmalieta Jenkins, Renee Chapman, Debbie Smith, White House staff and Brothers Mike Platt, Robert Head, Scott Stanzel, Adam Luecking, John Flannery, Chad Collingwood, Gerard Burton, Obie Obenchain, Marc Mores and Rudy Porchivina for their contributions toward making this event a success.
2002 Events
3rd Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 19, 2002 – The National Capital Area Chapter of the ALS Association is sponsoring this area’s third annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Lincoln Memorial at 9 AM on Saturday, October 19th, 2002. Last year’s event raised over $420,000 to support local patient services, ALS research, and to increase ALS awareness. This year’s goal is $500,000.
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s involvement with the ALS Association today.
The National Capital Area Chapter of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Those interested in learning more may visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or by contacting Pat Frieberg, Executive Director of the ALSA-NCAC, at 301-978-9855.
Maryland Gamma 13th Annual Crab Feast
September 21, 2002 – The Brothers of the Maryland Gamma chapter located at Washington College will be hosting their 13th Annual Crab Feast. The event will take place at the Lelia Hynson Pavillion from 2 PM to 6 PM in Chestertown, MD.
All Phi Delts, friends and family are invited to attend. The cost is $25 per person and covers the cost of a t-shirt and an all-you-can-eat buffet.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to chapter president KC Jones or by calling 410-778-8903.
Patton Boggs Greek Network Event
July 15, 2002 – Patton Boggs will host a meeting to establish a Greek political network aimed at helping college fraternities and sororities achieve their policy agenda in Washington. Patton Boggs has been representing the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), the umbrella group for all mens’ collegiate fraternities, since November 2001 and is also working on behalf of the two umbrella groups that represent women’s fraternities (the National Panhellenic Conference) and the historically African-American fraternities and sororities (the National Pan-Hellenic Council) to build a Washington presence for Greek life.
Greek leaders have identified a need to develop a permanent organization of Greek volunteers in Washington who have substantial experience in politics, government, public relations and the media. The idea is to create a group that can work together across the traditional organizational lines of individual fraternities and sororities to advance a common Greek agenda with policymakers and the media.
If you are interested in getting involved with this exciting new initiative, please contact us and/or Kevin O’Neill at Patton Boggs at 202-457-6136. This will be the first of many meetings, so if you are unable to attend, but would still like to be involved, please let us know.
Phi Delta Theta 74th Biennial Convention, Toronto, Ontario
June 27-30, 2002 – Hundreds of Phis gathered at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto for Phi Delta Theta’s 74th Biennial COnvention. This year, Phi Delta Theta celebrates 100 years of international brotherhood. Our first Canadian chapter, Quebec Alpha, was founded at McGill University in 1902.
Local convention delegates included Rob Heilig, Maryland Alpha, University of Maryland; Brendan Smith, Maryland Beta, McDaniel College; Brendan Cunningham, Maryland Gamma, Washington College; and David Almacy, Gamma South Province President.
A new General Council was also elected. They are Charles L. Pride, Western Kentucky ’87, President; George H. Lankow, Florida ’60, Treasurer; Michael G. Scarlatelli, Kettering ’76, Reporter; Rudy M. Porchivina, San Jose State ’89, Member-at-Large; and Mark H. Ochsenbein, Eastern Kentucky ’77, Member-at-Large.
The 75th biennial convention is scheduled to take place in Newport Beach, California on June 24-27, 2004.
NIC Congressional Reception
May 14, 2002 – Representatives from the NIC, PanHel and NPHC, convened in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress and promote Greek advocacy.
A reception was held in the Cannon Caucus room that was attended by over 500 alumni from over 40 different Greek organizations who are currently serving in Congress, as staff on the Hill, or in other capacities within the federal government. About a dozen Phis were in attendance.
Phi Delta Theta currently has three members serving in the U.S. Congress: Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO-5th), Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN-3rd) and Sen. Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ).
Gamma Province Meeting and Morrison Initiation
April 6, 2002 – Chapters from the Gamma South and Gamma West Provinces attended an abbreviated Province Meeting and Initiation Ceremony hosted at the Maryland Alpha chapter house at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.
We were very honored to have Bob Morrison, Missouri Beta, Westminster ’44, grandson of Founding Father Robert Morrison, on hand for our meeting. His nephew, Tom Morrison, was initiated along with Maryland Alpha’s Phikeia class. Before the initiation, Bob shared a few words with us about his memories of his grandfather, his Phi Delt experience, and his involvement as the current chapter adviser for the Florida Mu chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Upon signing the Bond, Bob pinned Tom with his grandfather’s personal badge which was temporarily on loan courtesy of the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters. The badge is currently on display as part of the official fraternity collection at GHQ on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
Special thanks to the members of Maryland Alpha for their hospitality in hosting the event and their efforts to conduct this special ceremony. Also, much appreciation to the undergraduate Phi Delts from Washington College and Dickinson College who made the trip to College Park for the event.

Bob Morrison, grandson of Phi Delta Theta founding father Robert Morrison, at the initiation of his nephew Tom Morrison.
2001 Events
2nd Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 21, 2001 – The National Capital Area Chapter of the ALS Association sponsored this area’s second annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Lincoln Memorial at 10 AM on Sunday, October 21st, 2001. The event raised over $300,000 to support local patient services, ALS research, and increase ALS awareness. Special thanks to the Maryland Gamma chapter at Washington College for their participation in this year’s event!
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s involvement with the ALS Association today.
The National Capital Area Chapter of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Those interested in learning more may visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or by contact Pat Frieberg, Executive Director of the ALSA-NCAC, at 301-978-9855.
Hasner 2002: DC FUNdraiser
October 18, 2001 – Adam Hasner, Maryland ’91 is making a run in the Republican Primary for the Palm Beach County seat (District 87) in the Florida House of Representatives. He will be hosting a “FUNdraiser” in an effort to raise money to support his bid.
This event is one of three “out of town” planned events. One is scheduled for October 12th in Atlanta and another is scheduled for October 26th in Tallahassee.
Come join us and show your support from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at The Front Page, 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, (New Hampshire Ave Entrance – south side of Dupont Circle/across from Metro), 202-296-6500. There will be drink specials and food.
Please make checks payable to:
Campaign Account of Adam Hasner
Robert Fitzpatrick
Randy LeFaivre
Ben Arnella
Adam Luecking
Sharon Wolff
Courtney Clelan
David Almacy
Grant Schmelzer
Kelley Poole
Ryan Orner
Virginia Beta Installation at UVA
September 14-15, 2001 – We are very pleased to announce that Phi Delta Theta has returned to the Univeristy of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.
On Friday, September 14th, 31 men were initiated into the fold. The official re-chartering ceremony took place on the 15th with a short reception following. Former Presidents of the General Council Tony Ambrose and Frank Abernathy were in attendance, with Brother Abernathy presiding.
The new group is strong, numbering well over 30 members. They expect a large Fall Phikeia class, as well. Housing options are still being considered and there are opportunities for alumni to get involved, such as serving on the house corporation or on the chapter alumni advisory board.
NIC Congressional Reception
May 15, 2001 – North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) staff and fraternity executives convened in DC to meet with members of Congress to promote Greek advocacy.
A reception was held in the Cannon Caucus room that was attended by over 400 alumni from 25-30 different fraternities who are currently serving in Congress, on the Hill, or in other capacities within the federal government.
About 25 Phis were in attendance, and somehow, we managed to get 14 of us into a photo. DC Mayor Anthony Williams proclaimed May 15th as a Day of Interfraternal Fellowship.
Gamma Province Meeting
April 28, 2001 – Chapters from the Gamma North, Gamma South and Gamma West Provinces attended an all day Province Meeting hosted at the Pennsylvania Zeta chapter house at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA.
In addition to discussing successes and challenges of the past year, we also reviewed upcoming events and plans for the summer. Additionally, we were very fortunate to be joined by General Council Treasurer, Charley Pride, who gave an overall report as to the status of the fraternity.
Province Presidents Chad Collingwood, David Almacy and Gerard Burton were on hand along with 40 undergraduate Phi Delts from the University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University, Widener University, University of Maryland, Washington College, Dickinson College and Shippensburg University.
Maryland Alpha Founders Day
April 07, 2001 – The members of the Maryland Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Theta hosted a Founders Day at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bethesda, MD.
Brother Ralph Friedgen, Head Football Coach at the University of Maryland, was the keynote speaker at this year’s celebration. Friedgen was the architect of Georgia Tech’s high-powered offense for nine of the past 14 years and the offensive coordinator for Bobby Ross at Maryland when the Terps won three consecutive ACC titles in the mid-’80s. He is a 1969 graduate of the University of Maryland, where he was initiated into Phi Delta Theta, earned a degree in physical education and played football for the Terps.
The event was open to all members of Phi Delta Theta and their guests. After the dinner, many gathered at “The Park Bench Pub” in Washington, DC which is owned by Brother Chong Yi.