Category Archives: Events

Phi Delta Theta Foundation Meets in Washington, DC

On October 25-27, 2013, Phi Delta Theta Foundation trustees and general headquarters staff members gathered for a foundation board meeting in Washington, DC.

Phi Delta Theta Foundation Washington DC October 2013

Photo credit: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity

Phi Delta Theta Colonizes at Delaware State University

Phi Delta Theta establishes Delaware Beta Colony at Delaware State University

In 2011, a group of men at Delaware State University gathered to discuss the proposition of bringing Phi Delta Theta to campus. On Saturday, November 10, 2012, they took one step closer toward realizing that goal. On that day, Phi Delta Theta officially welcomed the Delaware Beta Colony into the fold during a colonization ceremony at the Old State House in Dover, Delaware.

MORE PHOTOS: Delaware Beta Colonization Ceremony

Just steps away from the current Delaware State Capitol Building, the historic Old State House provided the perfect backdrop and added special meaning to the event. The building’s ties to early American history, dating back to 1787, was symbolic of the new journey that these men embark upon in Phi Delta Theta as they recited the oath and were invested with colony pins and fraternity manuals.

Many family members, friends, advisers, Delaware State University students and local area Phis were on hand for the event. Rob Turning, Gamma West Province President and David Almacy, Survey Commission Chairman represented the General Fraternity and officiated the formal proceedings.

During the ceremony, several offered words of advice and encouragement; including colony adviser Dr. Polly Steenhagen, Phi Delts from the Maryland Delta chapter at Johns Hopkins University and other Phi alumni.

Logan Mears, president of the Delaware Beta Colony had this to say upon receiving the Colony charter, “Colonization is more than a measurable milestone for the men of Delaware Beta, it is the beginning of our legacy. It is a revitalization and an important reminder of what is to come. For the last year we have remained steadfast in pursuing the very same Cardinal Principles our Founding Fathers have entrusted to us. We will not fail them.”

Delaware State University HornetsDelaware State University (also referred to as DSU, DESU, or Del State), originally established in 1891, is an American historically black, public university located in Dover, Delaware. With a diverse population of 4,200 undergraduate and advanced-degree students on a campus encompassing six colleges, DSU is the second-largest university in the state behind the University of Delaware.

The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity was organized with three principle objectives: The cultivation of friendship among its members, the acquirement individually of a high degree of mental culture, and the attainment personally of a high standard of morality. These objectives, referred to as the “Cardinal Principles,” have guided over 242,000 men (including more than 165,000 living alumni) since December 26, 1848 when the Fraternity was founded at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Phi Delta Theta now has nearly 170 active chapters in 42 states and five Canadian provinces and over 100 recognized alumni clubs across the U.S. and Canada.

UPDATE 2/24/14
Unfortunately, due to small group size and lack of overall progress towards chapter installation requirements, the General Council and Survey Commission of the Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity unanimously voted to remove recognition from the Delaware Beta Colony on February 24, 2014. Phi Delta Theta is hopeful that we may be able to revisit the opportunity to return to Delaware State University at some point in the future.

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Celebrating Neil Armstrong: National Cathedral Memorial

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312(Originally printed in The Scroll, Winter 2013)

David Almacy, Widener ’92, shares his recollections from Neil Armstrong’s memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral, Washington, DC on September 13, 2012.

What led to your decision to attend the memorial service?
Almacy: “A couple days before the event, I saw a tweet about it from my friend Melissa Price (Kappa Kappa Gamma, Florida State). She is a former White House colleague of mine who has also worked at NASA and she mentioned that she was interested in attending the service, so I sent her a note and we decided to go together.” shared Almacy. He said, “Obviously, Neil Armstrong’s contributions to humanity are monumental. This was a rare opportunity to be a witness to history; and as a fellow Brother in the Bond, I just had to go to pay my respects to a true American hero and one of the fraternity’s greatest members.”

Almacy sensed the enormity of the honor of having a national memorial at the Washington National Cathedral. As a native and longtime resident of the greater DC Metropolitan area, Almacy has observed major world events that have been commemorated at the National Cathedral —- weddings, funerals, memorials. In fact, he somberly remembers the important role that the National Cathedral played as the United States began the healing process after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The cathedral served as a backdrop for the national memorial service attended by many notable Americans including then President George W. Bush and two former U.S. Presidents.

As a side note, in preparation for the 2012 Phi Delta Theta Convention in Washington, D.C. this past summer, Almacy authored a Phi Delt blog post featuring the Top 10 Things To Do in DC and listed the Washington National Cathedral as #5.

Tell us about the day.
Almacy: “The service didn’t start until 10 AM, but we knew we had to get there early. We arrived around 8 AM and were roughly fifth in line. Before we knew it, the line had snaked around the block and out of sight. Just ahead of us in line, we struck up a conversation with a father and his 16 year-old son who had made the trip down to DC from New Jersey the night before. Sporting matching NASA neckties, they were clearly Space enthusiasts. In the past, they have toured several NASA facilities, attended launches and knew many of the famed NASA personnel who have made their mark on history. In addition to their entertaining running commentary, they seemed genuinely impressed when I mentioned that I have met Brothers Story Musgrave (Syracuse) and Jon McBride (West Virginia) through my involvement with Phi Delta Theta,” said Almacy.

It was a touching and meaningful service, with remarks provided by Eugene Cernan, the last American astronaut to stand on the lunar surface, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and former Treasury Secretary John Snow.

The details of the lunar landing, and Mr. Armstrong’s heroic reaction to the computer system’s failing by manually taking the controls and making the decision the land in unfamiliar terrain with no fuel and seconds to spare was remembered by Cernan during the service. In 2010, Almacy attended the General Officer reception at Kennedy Space Center during the Phi Delta Theta General Convention in Orlando, Florida. While there, he remembers sitting through a presentation reenacting the Apollo mission. During the exhibit, the audience re-lived the Apollo moon landing and heard the exact communications between Armstrong and the ground control center as he safely landed the module. The reality of the situation, Neil Armstrong’s skill as a pilot and the extent of his heroism took on special meaning that day, too.

While leaving the cathedral, Almacy noted many were taking pictures of a particular stained glass window. Someone in the crowd told him that when the astronauts were on the moon, they retrieved a moon rock and presented it as a gift to the National Cathedral upon return. An artisan worked that moon rock into one of the stained glass windows in the cathedral, which was represented by the artwork on the front cover of the memorial service program. This further deepened the symbolism that Neil Armstrong and his life were memorialized in such a noteworthy and sacred place as the Washington National Cathedral. Almacy has donated his memorial service ticket and the program from the National Cathedral to the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters for display in its museum.

As a member of Phi Delta Theta, what did it mean to be a Brother to Neil Armstrong?
Almacy: “Of course, every Phikeia quickly learns that one of the most famous Phis was Neil Armstrong. It was probably the first alumnus name I learned,” quips Almacy. “We learned about the kind of man he was, humble, heroic, honorable. As a fellow member of Phi Delta Theta, his example challenges us to also pursue greatness in our own lives and to do our part to strive to contribute to society in the spirit.” His evaluation of the man, “I always admired Neil Armstrong for his humility in recognizing that his achievements were not just about one person, but rather all of those involved in the historic moon landing.” Armstrong is well known for his quiet reserve and determined effort to live a private life, and more notably, not cashing in on his fame, or demeaning or minimizing the countless efforts of all space endeavors that came after him.


David Almacy is the former White House Internet director for President George W. Bush and current senior vice president in Edelman’s Washington, DC office. Edelman is the world’s largest public relations firm, with 65 offices and more than 4,500 employees worldwide, as well as affiliates in more than 30 cities. Almacy is a former Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters staff member (1993-95) and has served as a province president. Currently, he is chairman of the Survey Commission, where he and his fellow board members assist in the fraternity’s expansion efforts.

Source: The Scroll, Magazine of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Winter 2013 Volume CXXXVI, Number 2

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

Armstrong Memorial National Cathedral 091312

2012: Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9-11Phi Delta Theta knows of nine Phis who perished at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. As our nation marks the 11th anniversary of this tragedy, our thoughts and prayers are with our fallen Brothers, their families and all those who lost loved ones on that fateful day.

Swede Chevalier, Cornell ’98
Thomas Clark, Richmond ’86
Terence Gazzani, Bentley ’00
Donald Jones, Richmond ’84
Mike LaForte, Syracuse ’84
Ted Luckett, Ohio Wesleyan ’84
Sean Lynch, Cornell ’87
Todd Rancke, Duke ’81
Andy Spencer, Maryland ’87

Remembering 9/11

2012 General Convention Recap

The 79th Biennial General Convention of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity took place from July 5-8, 2012 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. It was a packed few days for hundreds of Phis, their families and guests.

Phi Delta Theta GHQ staff at General Convention in Washington, DC

Current and former Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters staff members at the 79th Biennial General Convention in Washington, DC on July 7, 2012.

Highlights included dinner for General Officers with General and Mrs. Washington at their Mount Vernon Estate, the laying of a memorial wreath at Arlington National Cemetery, presenting Ryan Zimmerman of the Washington Nationals with the Lou Gehrig Memorial Award on the field at Nationals Park prior to the Colorado Rockies game with 300+ Phi Delts in the stands, tours of the United States Capitol and the Pentagon, recognizing chapters and alumni volunteers with excellence and service awards, and an entertaining and inspiring evening sponsored by the Phi Delta Theta Foundation on the rooftop of 101 Constitution Avenue featuring fraternity leaders and the comedy improv group “Capitol Steps.”

Of course, there was also fraternity business to attend to such as voting on important legislation, debating issues, and the election of the General Council for the 2012-14 biennium. Congratulations to our new president Chris Lapple, and fellow General Council members Rich Fabritius, Jeff Davis, Chris Brussalis and Moe Stephens!

Below is the slideshow that was shown during the Grand Banquet on Saturday night which is a perfect recap of the week’s activities. Thanks to Sean Wagner, Steve Good and all of the Phi Delta Theta GHQ staff, Washington, DC alumni club representatives and everyone who contributed to ensure a terrific event. Safe travels back home!


PHOTOS: 2012 General Convention in Washington DC

Ten Unique Things To Do in Washington, DC

2012 Convention Schedule

Phi Delta Theta General Convention DC 2012The 79th Biennial Convention of Phi Delta Theta will be held on July 5-8, 2012 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202, (703) 920-3230 / 1-800-228-9290.

Don’t forget to register for the 2012 Convention!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1:00 PM General Council Meeting
5:30 PM Alumni Reception at Mount Vernon Inn
(Volunteers and Families – Invitation Only)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

8:00 AM Depart for Wreath Laying
Arlington National Cemetery
9:00 AM Registration Begins
10:30 AM General Officers Conference
12:00 PM General Officers Luncheon
12:00 PM Past Presidents of General Council Luncheon
1:30 PM Commission/Committee Meetings
3:00 PM Educational Programming
4:00 PM Committee Meetings
5:00 PM Dinner on Your Own
7:30 PM Opening General Session
(Open to All – Coat & Tie Required)
9:30 PM Province Meetings

Friday, July 6, 2012

6:30 AM Iron Phi 5k
8:30 AM Focus Group Discussions
9:00 AM General Session (Phis Only)
(Coat & Tie Required)
9:00 AM Colony Program
12:00 PM Building on the Bond Luncheon
2:30 PM Meet the Candidates
5:00 PM Dinner on Your Own
5:30 PM Buses depart for Phi Delt Night at the Ballpark
Washington Nationals Game
7:05 PM Opening Pitch – Phi Delt Night at the Ballpark
Washington Nationals Game

Saturday, July 7, 2012

8:00 AM Chapter Advisory Board/Alumni Club Delegates
Breakfast with the General Council
9:00 AM General Session (Phis Only)
(Coat & Tie Required)
9:00 AM Colony Program
12:00 PM Awards Luncheon
2:30 PM General Session (Phis Only)
(Coat & Tie Required)
2:30 PM Colony Program
7:30 PM Children’s Banquet
7:30 PM Grand Banquet (Coat & Tie Required)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

8 AM Departures from Washington, DC

Learn more about Phi Delta Theta’s General Convention and register here. See you in DC!

79th Biennial Convention – July 5-8, 2012 – Washington, DC

 Phi Delta Theta General Convention Washington DC

Phi Delta Theta’s Biennial Convention offers a unique opportunity for Phis of all ages from many parts of the world to meet in the true spirit of The Bond. Registrations are being received every day for this summer’s Convention at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.

Learn more about Phi Delta Theta’s General Convention and register here. See you in DC!

Full 2012 Convention Schedule

Ten Unique Things To Do in Washington, DC

By David Almacy – Survey Commission & Washington, DC Alumni Club
Originally posted on the Phi Delt Blog, 6/13/12.

Our Nation’s Capital is well known for iconic federal buildings, historic monuments and impressive museums.

However, there are a number of hidden gems that many visitors might not know about which are certainly worth a look while in the Washington, DC area.

Here are ten unique spots to add to your list as you head “inside the beltway” this summer for Phi Delta Theta’s General Convention.

  1. Marine Barracks Washington: Evening Parade
    Marine Barracks Washington, also known as “8th & I,” is the oldest active post in the Marine Corps. The Evening Parade, held every Friday evening during the summer, has become a universal symbol of the professionalism, discipline, and Esprit de Corps of the United States Marines. The ceremony starts at 8:45 PM, beginning with a concert by the United States Marine Band. A one hour and fifteen minute performance of music and precision marching, the Evening Parade features “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, “The Commandant’s Own” The United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, the Marine Corps Color Guard, the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, Ceremonial Marchers, and LCpl. Chesty XIII, the official mascot of Marine Barracks Washington.

  2. Spy Museum
    Need to make a drop, crack a code or create a new cover? Head to the International Spy Museum. Through storytelling and interactive exhibits, this is the only public museum in the United States solely dedicated to espionage and the only one in the world to provide a global perspective on an all-but-invisible profession that has shaped history and continues to have a significant impact on world events. The Spy Museum focuses on human intelligence and reveals the role spies have played in world events throughout history.

  3. U.S. National Arboretum
    Located on 446 acres, the National Arboretum is home to a wide variety of plants, trees and gardens with something almost always in bloom depending on the time of year. Highlights include Azaleas, Dogwoods, National Boxwood Collection, National Herb Garden, Fern Valley, Friendship Garden, Asian Collections, National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, National Grove of State Trees, Aquatic Garden and Koi Pond. Established in 1927 by an Act of Congress, the Arboretum is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. If you want more, you might also enjoy the United States Botanic Garden located downtown on 100 Maryland Avenue, SW near the U.S. Capitol.

  4. Udvar-Hazy Center
    Home to the recently retired Space Shuttle Discovery, the Smithsonian’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Dulles, VA is a member of the National Air & Space Museum family. Due to the expansive room in the Boeing Aviation Hangar and McDonnell Space Hangar, Udvar-Hazy is able to house a wider collection of artifacts including the fastest jet ever built, Lockheed’s SR-71 Blackbird; Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay, the Boeing 307 Stratoliner Clipper Flying Cloud, the first airliner with a pressurized cabin; a Concorde supersonic airliner, the Gemini VII space capsule; the Mobile Quarantine Unit used upon the return of the Apollo 11 crew; and a Redstone rocket.

  5. Washington National Cathedral
    A great and beautiful edifice in the city of Washington, the beautiful architecture, structure and grounds of the National Cathedral have served as a sacred place for our country in times of celebration, crisis, and sorrow. As a spiritual resource for our nation, the Cathedral provides an indispensable ministry for people of all faiths and perspectives.

  6. Congressional Cemetery
    Located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, the Washington Parish Burial Ground was first established in 1807 and designated by the United States as the place of interment for nearly every member of Congress or executive officer who died while holding office. Today, the hallowed ground of the Historic Congressional Cemetery is the final resting place for many notable Americans including three U.S. presidents (William Henry Harrison, John Quincy Adams, Zachary Taylor), two first ladies (Louisa Adams, Dolley Madison), Vice President Elbridge Gerry, Supreme Court Justices, Cabinet members, Civil War generals and others such as military composer and conductor John Phillips Sousa and first FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Correction: Although originally buried at the Historic Congressional Cemetery shortly after their deaths in Washington, DC, the remains of the three U.S. presidents and two first ladies were later moved to other locations related to each of their personal histories.

  7. Lincoln Cottage
    During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln and his family resided seasonally at the Soldiers’ Home in northwest Washington, DC for a quarter of his presidency between 1862-64. Located on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, this property is regarded by some as the most significant historic site associated with Lincoln other than the White House.

  8. National Harbor
    Located on 300 acres of prime real estate along the scenic Potomac River in Prince George’s County, MD, National Harbor is the new gateway to the National Capital Region. This spectacular urban-waterfront community offers stunning views of downtown Washington, D.C. and Old Town Alexandria and the waterfront backdrop completes the perfect setting for prime retail, dining and entertainment. National Harbor is also home to the Gaylord National, the largest combined hotel and convention center on the East Coast. Visit the National Harbor Marina, hop on a water taxi or set sail on lunch, dinner or sightseeing cruises and experience the beauty and splendor of the Potomac like never before.

  9. Lee-Fendall House
    Shortly after the American Revolution, war hero Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee purchased property on North Washington Street in Alexandria, Virginia. Built in 1785, the Lee-Fendall House has housed 32 members of the Lee family all the way until 1903. General Robert E. Lee, who later led the Confederate troops during the U.S. Civil War, spent his boyhood here. Also, while in Old Town Alexandria, don’t miss the rows of shops and restaurants that line King Street from the George Washington Masonic Memorial all the way down to the waterfront area at the base of Union Street. Too hot or too far to walk? Hop on the free King Street Trolley.

  10. Southwest Waterfront
    Southwest DC went through its first wave of urban renewal in the 1950s. It’s now a hotspot for development once again, with the opening of Major League Baseball’s Washington Nationals Ballpark nearby and the expansion of the 50-year-old Arena Stage. Sample fresh seafood creations at the Maine Avenue Seafood Market or indulge in a multi-course tasting menu at CityZen at the Mandarin Oriental. Hop on board a sightseeing cruise for an unforgettable view of the monuments from the water. Honor the men who died on the doomed Titanic at one of DC’s most unusual memorials.

If you have flexibility in your schedule and are up for a little road trip while in the region, check out George Washington’s Mount Vernon Garden & Estates in Alexandria, VA, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Charlottesville, VA, the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, National Aquarium at the Baltimore Harbor, MD and the Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, PA. For those who appreciate American history from U.S. presidents to “seals” (both kinds) — there’s something for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you at the convention in July and hope you enjoy your time in the Capital City!

Sources: Some of the language used above was taken either entirely or in part from respective venue websites. Links are provided for convenience.

2010 Events

Phi Delta Theta 78th Biennial Convention, Orlando, Florida
Phi Delta Theta General Convention Orlando 2010June 24-27, 2010 – Hundreds of Phis gathered at the Renaissance Resort at Sea World in Orlando in June for the 78th Biennial General Convention. The Biennial Convention offers Phis of all ages from many parts of the world a unique opportunity to meet in the true spirit of the Bond. We hope that the 2010 Convention was a memorable and rewarding experience for those who atended. If, during your stay, you did nothing more than discover the advantages of an international association, then your time was well spent.

Gordon Biersch – June 2010
June 16, 2010 – Time for Phis in the DC area to gather again to share stories, strengthen friendships, and meet brothers from across the country. Let’s get together at Gordon Biersch on Wednesday June 16th at 7:00pm to facilitate career advancement, social networking and a welcoming resource for Phis moving into the area. Please feel free to invite any local Phis you know of in the area.

WHO: All Phi Delts & Guests
DATE: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
TIME: 7 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Gordon Biersch
900 F Street NW
Washington, DC
(202) 783-5454

Gordon Biersch – February 2010
February 25, 2010 – As we continue to dig out from the big snow, come on out and meet your felllow Phis for another great networking opportunity in our Nations’ Capital.

WHO: All Phi Delts & Guests
DATE: Thursday, February 25, 2010
TIME: 7 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Gordon Biersch

900 F Street NW
Washington, DC
(202) 783-5454

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2008 Events

Bobby Van’s Grill – November 2008
November 13, 2008 – Come join your fellow Capital Phis for a DC gathering – a great opportunity for young and old to network, interact and share experiences.

WHO: All Phi Delts and Guests
DATE: Thursday, November 13, 2008
TIME: 6 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Bobby Van’s Grill Map
1201 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC
(202) 589-1504

Phi Delta Theta 77th Biennial Convention, Paradise Valley, Arizona
Phi Delta Theta General Convention Arizona 2008June 19-22, 2008 – Despite the sweltering heat of the Arizona desert, more than 600 undergraduates, alumni, family members, and guests came together to celebrate Phi Delta Theta’s 77th Biennial Convention from June 19-22 at Marriott’s Camelback Inn in Paradise Valley, Arizona. Those in attendance were able to meet and reconnect with brothers from across North America, participate in business sessions, attend many special banquets and ceremonies, and witness chapters and individuals receive awards!