2010 Events
Phi Delta Theta 78th Biennial Convention, Orlando, Florida
June 24-27, 2010 – Hundreds of Phis gathered at the Renaissance Resort at Sea World in Orlando in June for the 78th Biennial General Convention. The Biennial Convention offers Phis of all ages from many parts of the world a unique opportunity to meet in the true spirit of the Bond. We hope that the 2010 Convention was a memorable and rewarding experience for those who atended. If, during your stay, you did nothing more than discover the advantages of an international association, then your time was well spent.
Gordon Biersch – June 2010
June 16, 2010 – Time for Phis in the DC area to gather again to share stories, strengthen friendships, and meet brothers from across the country. Let’s get together at Gordon Biersch on Wednesday June 16th at 7:00pm to facilitate career advancement, social networking and a welcoming resource for Phis moving into the area. Please feel free to invite any local Phis you know of in the area.
WHO: All Phi Delts & Guests
DATE: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
TIME: 7 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Gordon Biersch
900 F Street NW
Washington, DC
(202) 783-5454
Gordon Biersch – February 2010
February 25, 2010 – As we continue to dig out from the big snow, come on out and meet your felllow Phis for another great networking opportunity in our Nations’ Capital.
WHO: All Phi Delts & Guests
DATE: Thursday, February 25, 2010
TIME: 7 PM – 9 PM
WHERE: Gordon Biersch
900 F Street NW
Washington, DC
(202) 783-5454