Phi Delt Arrives at George Mason University
Phi Delta Theta will be on campus during the Fall 2021 semester at George Mason University building the Virginia Lambda Chapter. We would love your help as our expansion team recruits the best leaders that George Mason University has to offer.
How You Can Help
If you know undergraduate men at George Mason who would be great founders of Phi Delta Theta, we would love to
obtain your referral(s). Upon submitting a referral, our team will reach out to the individual to schedule an in-person meeting and discuss the benefits of the opportunity.
Refer a George Mason Student
The Chapter Advisory Board
A great Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) is crucial to successful development of an emerging chapter. If you have interest in joining this advisory board and becoming a vital piece of the chapter’s development, please complete our
volunteer interest form.
Our team will reach out to those interested to share more about our volunteer opportunities and connect you with those already in place. Our goal is to develop a diverse collection of volunteers: men/women, Phi Delts/non-Phi Delts, Phi Delts from multiple chapters, in-person/virtual, etc.
Show Your Volunteer Interest
Sponsor a Virginia Lambda New Member
Looking for an easy way to support the Fraternity’s arrival at George Mason University? Phi Delta Theta now offers the opportunity to sponsor a new member from a chapter of choice. By making a contribution to sponsor a Virginia Lambda new member, you will help our recruitment efforts and the young men we recruit.
All transactions are non-tax deductible and are used to directly offset new member and initiation dues that are billed to the emerging chapter.
Sponsor a New Member
Follow the Project
Want to follow along with the project? General project updates and introductions to each founder can be seen on the
Virginia Lambda Instagram account.
Get Involved
We are excited to arrive on campus! Please let us know if we can answer any questions you may have about the Fraternity’s effort at George Mason. If you would like to be involved with the expansion project at GMU, please
contact us and indicate your interest in serving on the Virginia Lambda Emerging Chapter Advisory Board. Thank you!