2002 Events
3rd Annual Walk to D’feet ALS
October 19, 2002 – The National Capital Area Chapter of the ALS Association is sponsoring this area’s third annual Walk to D’feet ALS at the Lincoln Memorial at 9 AM on Saturday, October 19th, 2002. Last year’s event raised over $420,000 to support local patient services, ALS research, and to increase ALS awareness. This year’s goal is $500,000.
The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and to improve the lives of those living with ALS. Baseball great Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees was a member of Phi Delta Theta from Columbia University and is the primary reason our fraternity’s involvement with the ALS Association today.
The National Capital Area Chapter of the ALS Association was founded in 1991 by a group of dedicated volunteers to respond to the critical needs of people with ALS and is the primary resource for patient services in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Those interested in learning more may visit the ALSA National Capital Area Chapter website or by contacting Pat Frieberg, Executive Director of the ALSA-NCAC, at 301-978-9855.
Maryland Gamma 13th Annual Crab Feast
September 21, 2002 – The Brothers of the Maryland Gamma chapter located at Washington College will be hosting their 13th Annual Crab Feast. The event will take place at the Lelia Hynson Pavillion from 2 PM to 6 PM in Chestertown, MD.
All Phi Delts, friends and family are invited to attend. The cost is $25 per person and covers the cost of a t-shirt and an all-you-can-eat buffet.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to chapter president KC Jones or by calling 410-778-8903.
Patton Boggs Greek Network Event
July 15, 2002 – Patton Boggs will host a meeting to establish a Greek political network aimed at helping college fraternities and sororities achieve their policy agenda in Washington. Patton Boggs has been representing the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), the umbrella group for all mens’ collegiate fraternities, since November 2001 and is also working on behalf of the two umbrella groups that represent women’s fraternities (the National Panhellenic Conference) and the historically African-American fraternities and sororities (the National Pan-Hellenic Council) to build a Washington presence for Greek life.
Greek leaders have identified a need to develop a permanent organization of Greek volunteers in Washington who have substantial experience in politics, government, public relations and the media. The idea is to create a group that can work together across the traditional organizational lines of individual fraternities and sororities to advance a common Greek agenda with policymakers and the media.
If you are interested in getting involved with this exciting new initiative, please contact us and/or Kevin O’Neill at Patton Boggs at 202-457-6136. This will be the first of many meetings, so if you are unable to attend, but would still like to be involved, please let us know.
Phi Delta Theta 74th Biennial Convention, Toronto, Ontario
June 27-30, 2002 – Hundreds of Phis gathered at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto for Phi Delta Theta’s 74th Biennial COnvention. This year, Phi Delta Theta celebrates 100 years of international brotherhood. Our first Canadian chapter, Quebec Alpha, was founded at McGill University in 1902.
Local convention delegates included Rob Heilig, Maryland Alpha, University of Maryland; Brendan Smith, Maryland Beta, McDaniel College; Brendan Cunningham, Maryland Gamma, Washington College; and David Almacy, Gamma South Province President.
A new General Council was also elected. They are Charles L. Pride, Western Kentucky ’87, President; George H. Lankow, Florida ’60, Treasurer; Michael G. Scarlatelli, Kettering ’76, Reporter; Rudy M. Porchivina, San Jose State ’89, Member-at-Large; and Mark H. Ochsenbein, Eastern Kentucky ’77, Member-at-Large.
The 75th biennial convention is scheduled to take place in Newport Beach, California on June 24-27, 2004.
NIC Congressional Reception
May 14, 2002 – Representatives from the NIC, PanHel and NPHC, convened in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress and promote Greek advocacy.
A reception was held in the Cannon Caucus room that was attended by over 500 alumni from over 40 different Greek organizations who are currently serving in Congress, as staff on the Hill, or in other capacities within the federal government. About a dozen Phis were in attendance.
Phi Delta Theta currently has three members serving in the U.S. Congress: Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO-5th), Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN-3rd) and Sen. Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ).
Gamma Province Meeting and Morrison Initiation
April 6, 2002 – Chapters from the Gamma South and Gamma West Provinces attended an abbreviated Province Meeting and Initiation Ceremony hosted at the Maryland Alpha chapter house at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.
We were very honored to have Bob Morrison, Missouri Beta, Westminster ’44, grandson of Founding Father Robert Morrison, on hand for our meeting. His nephew, Tom Morrison, was initiated along with Maryland Alpha’s Phikeia class. Before the initiation, Bob shared a few words with us about his memories of his grandfather, his Phi Delt experience, and his involvement as the current chapter adviser for the Florida Mu chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Upon signing the Bond, Bob pinned Tom with his grandfather’s personal badge which was temporarily on loan courtesy of the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters. The badge is currently on display as part of the official fraternity collection at GHQ on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
Special thanks to the members of Maryland Alpha for their hospitality in hosting the event and their efforts to conduct this special ceremony. Also, much appreciation to the undergraduate Phi Delts from Washington College and Dickinson College who made the trip to College Park for the event.

Bob Morrison, grandson of Phi Delta Theta founding father Robert Morrison, at the initiation of his nephew Tom Morrison.